I am a real craigslist addict. It's so full of surprise nuggets every now and then, and I was hooked a couple of years ago when I scored a perfect condition set of Pyrex Crazy Daisy mixing bowls for a good price. More about that some other time!
My typical searches include looking for vintage Le Creuset items. The other day I found an aqua coloured vintage #26 oval roaster/dutch oven with the old Cousances look, noted by the seller as being in "excellent condition". I really love the flared handles... Not a huge fan of the lid handle, but I admit it looks nice and sleek despite it seeming too hot to handle. Here is the photo from the craigslist posting:
When I met up with the seller, she told me that her mother owned this piece but the seller just doesn't use it in her cooking. I noticed that the exterior of the roaster was in great condition; however, when she opened the lid, I saw orangey utensil scratches on the bottom of the pot.
Because I have been purchasing a lot of items lately, I respectfully declined. I told the seller I was so tempted and I was sure she would sell it soon to someone who would love it. I wonder if a good baking soda soak would have made it better... What do you think, was this a good buy at $30?
A nice month
5 years ago