As a kid, I was a voracious reader. Even more so than I am now! I was at our local Value Village when I saw an interesting looking copy of Jane Eyre. Not too weathered but had a haunting image on the front and back cover. I asked the clerk if this book was priced the same as their regular hardcovers and he said yup, they are all priced the same. Unfortunately when I got to the till, the more senior cashier told me it was actually 4x the price I thought.
I left it.
When I got back to my computer I found out that it was a 1943 Random House copy with prints from Fritz Eichhenberg's wood engravings. It was originally published as a 2-book set with Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wuthering Heights by her sister Emily Bronte. They were going for big bucks on Etsy!