I typically make a habit of checking out the housewares section whenever I am shopping at a second-hand store. This paid off yesterday when I spotted a vintage Le Creuset #16 Flame-coloured saucepot!
I opened up the lid expecting it to be horribly discoloured on the inside but surprisingly, the enamel was in quite good shape. When I stumble upon gems like this, I simply can't believe that people throw out perfectly good items. I guess by donating it, they aren't really throwing it out I suppose. Good thing there are thrifters around to give these goodies a second chance. I paid $10 for the pot, and am already thinking of recipes I can prepare in this little guy.
My lucky streak continued when I found a Pyrex Delphite Blue casserole dish the next aisle over. I really debated whether to purchase this item because it was missing its beautiful lid and I couldn't really think of a practical use for it. I picked it up anyway, because it was priced alright at $5. Perhaps it will look good brimming with colourful oranges...
The last item of the day was a vintage avocado green fondue pot. The wood grain on the beautiful handle, and of course the great colour, reeled me in! I combed the shelves for almost an hour, searching in vain for the matching lid. It was a bit depressing when I concluded that no lid would be found. I'm sure it would have had a great matching wood knob handle on it. Again, for $5, I knew I would find a use for it in the kitchen, so I happily scooped it up. The interior of the pot is surprisingly perfect, and I think the shape will lend itself well to little tasks like boiling eggs and heating up soups.
A bountiful day at the thrift store!