Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vintage Bakelite Egg Beater by Turner & Seymour

Earlier this year, I scored this awesome vintage egg beater with a rotary handle at Value Village. I paid $2.99 for it and just loved the beautiful aqua colour. I didn't know much about it, as it was only marked with "Made in Canada".

Recently I found out some more information about the piece, which has a shield logo on the bakelite handle. It turns out that this whisk was made in the 50s or 60s by a company named Turner & Seymour and the piece was likely called the Deluxe Super Whirl! What a quirky name.

I love learning new things about some of the mystery vintage items that I find. I first posted about it here along with these aqua coloured goodies, before I learned about the maker and of the bakelite material.

So glad I was able to figure out something new about my old egg beater!

Linking up to Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vintage Pink Apron

At one of my favourite weekly church basement sales, there is a section devoted to linens - tablecloths, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. and I always like to take a look to see what's there. The other day, I visited and spotted this beautiful vintage apron.

It's in great condition and I love the delicate floral pattern and eyelet trim. Not to mention the colours! The pale pink and mauves attracted me to pick it up in the first place.

Once I iron it, I think the pleats along the front of the bodice will look perfect. How could I resist for the $1 price!?

I wonder if this was handmade by someone? The size is a bit on the small side. I'm not sure if it's meant as an apron for kids. It is really too bad that these vintage treasures we find can't tell us their stories! I'd love to know how old this is.

Hope everyone had a great weekend of relaxing or shopping. I'm hoping to find some good Christmas decorations at the thrift this week for our tree. =)

Linking up to Flea Market Finds!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Red Pyrex Fridgie

I took a photo of this little red Pyrex refrigerator dish quite some time ago but realize that I never got to share it!

I found it at a Value Village store for $2.99. I've seen little fridgies of this size at VV before, but in such varying conditions (and yet STILL the same price) that I was happy to scoop this little guy up. The red is faded in some areas, but it's mostly bright, shiny, and comes with a glass lid.

I love this little size because it's perfect for storing small leftover portions. I also use it sometimes for holding garlic cloves on the countertop. =)

I hope all our neighbours down to the South have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!

Linking up to Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Canada Post Mailbox Coin Bank

I found this great piggy bank styled as a Canada Post Mailbox at the thrift for $3! This mailbox was in use across the country from 1966 to 1982.

It caught my eye because I had a Canada Post vintage coin bank as a child too - an even older version in white and blue version where the letter slot actually opened and you could insert coins in.

You might be able to see my awesome blue velvet chair (thrifted of course) in the background... I still love the way that colour pops!

There's bilingual labels on the box indicating collection times and of course, Postes Canada or Canada Post.

There's some nice detail on the front too.

Linking up to HLA's Flea Market Finds and Ana's Archive Dive!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Easy Thai Green Curry!

No thrifty finds to share this week, but I thought I'd post about a dish I made this week... Thai Green Curry! My kitchen is pretty dark, so the lighting situation isn't great, but I still want to share some photos with you.

I started off with three boneless, skinless chicken thighs, a zucchini, and an onion, alll diced up.

After sauteeing the onions, I moved them over to one side of the pan and seared the chicken.

I like the concept of pushing stuff aside so the new ingredients get a chance to mingle with the hot pan. I think this is similar to the theory of using a wok, pushing the ingredints up the walls of the wok and searing the new stuff.

I found a great Supermarket in Vancouver that sells packaged Thai Green Curry Paste. I scooped a couple of tablespoons and toasted it in the hot oil. The fragrance it released was wonderful!

I added a small tin of coconut milk, about 170mL..

then threw in my zukes! A lot of recipes call up a full can of coconut milk, which is about 300mL but I find that the moisture from the vegetables makes up for it.

I let everything simmer for a bit, and ended up with a nice quick dinner. I love the versatility of this dish. You can use snap peas, eggplants, or whatever veggies you have in your kitchen. I think next time I might even omit the chicken and see if this works, as Vegetarian Green Curry over rice would be nice.

I'll try to work on my kitchen photography skills for next time!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunkist Snacker - Vintage Orange Peeler

The hubby and I were getting some quotes on upholstery one day and walked past a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. He looked at me and said, Wanna go? I said, Yup! and in we went.

It's funny that going thrifting has become so natural; I think it's because we have learned that there could be surprising treasures lurking inside. I had no luck at this particular store, but Mr. SixBalloons found this snazzy vintage orange peeler made by Sunkist.

The kitschy package reads "The Snacker: Fastest Peeler in the West"! I wonder what they marketed this as on the East Coast... I really love that old Sunkist logo. It takes me back. Can you believe this was still in the original package??

There's some instructions on the back, which I think are pretty funny. Not sure why, I guess it just seems so obvious what you could do with the peeler...

We didn't find any fabulous treasures in this store, but I thought this was a pretty good bargain for 25 cents. We're a little reluctant to open it up because the packaging is so retro and cool, but how else will we find out if it's really the fastest peeler in the west??

Linking up to HLA's Flea Market Finds!