Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunkist Snacker - Vintage Orange Peeler

The hubby and I were getting some quotes on upholstery one day and walked past a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. He looked at me and said, Wanna go? I said, Yup! and in we went.

It's funny that going thrifting has become so natural; I think it's because we have learned that there could be surprising treasures lurking inside. I had no luck at this particular store, but Mr. SixBalloons found this snazzy vintage orange peeler made by Sunkist.

The kitschy package reads "The Snacker: Fastest Peeler in the West"! I wonder what they marketed this as on the East Coast... I really love that old Sunkist logo. It takes me back. Can you believe this was still in the original package??

There's some instructions on the back, which I think are pretty funny. Not sure why, I guess it just seems so obvious what you could do with the peeler...

We didn't find any fabulous treasures in this store, but I thought this was a pretty good bargain for 25 cents. We're a little reluctant to open it up because the packaging is so retro and cool, but how else will we find out if it's really the fastest peeler in the west??

Linking up to HLA's Flea Market Finds!


  1. That packaging IS cool! And I do love those peelers...we could have a peel-off, since I only have the ones from Pampered Chef- then we could see if it really is the fastest! :)

  2. Love the vintage packaging/logo! Definitely save the packaging -scanned it could make great framed art for your kitchen. I also think of finding things at the thrift store first; recently I found furnace filters! Back in the day "fastest in the west" was a common advertising slogan due the popularity of westerns and refers to the cowboy who could draw his gun the quickest so it was likely used all over the country.

  3. I had one growing up. I used to score the orange for my lunch and would peel it once I got to school. It was great. Hope yours works just as well!

  4. That's true Jenifir, it probably was just the gun-toting Westerns' popularity that made the slogan chime with people across the continent!

    beetree and ESak, I can't wait for winter to come around and sweet tasty oranges to be in the markets. We are only getting the Chilean and Australian import oranges now and they aren't very good.

    It'll be hard to rip that package apart!

  5. This post just caught my eye and made me grin. I have the pampered chef peeler like this and it really does work well. What a fun find!

  6. I found one in the drawer of the family home and didn't know what it was! I looked it up by the words Sunkist Snacker on the side. So glad I have it and know what to do with it! Very cool----wasn't in the packgage though :(
