Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Red Pyrex Fridgie

I took a photo of this little red Pyrex refrigerator dish quite some time ago but realize that I never got to share it!

I found it at a Value Village store for $2.99. I've seen little fridgies of this size at VV before, but in such varying conditions (and yet STILL the same price) that I was happy to scoop this little guy up. The red is faded in some areas, but it's mostly bright, shiny, and comes with a glass lid.

I love this little size because it's perfect for storing small leftover portions. I also use it sometimes for holding garlic cloves on the countertop. =)

I hope all our neighbours down to the South have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!

Linking up to Colorado Lady's Vintage Thingie Thursday!


  1. The red fridgie was my first, and so far only one, in my fridgie collection. I am working on building a primary colors set. It's hard to be patient and not buy a set on ebay or etsy, but I also don't want to pay those kind of prices! So I will patiently wait to find them at Goodwill or a yard sale :)
    These are hard to find with the lids, good work!

  2. Very cute, I never see too many of the super small ones like that. Wish I did, so I could pick them up. They are great for mini loafs of spiced bread.

  3. Yes, mini loafs! I think making mini Cinnamon Banana Bread loafs in these fridgies would make for nice Christmas treats.

    I do see these every now and again but they're usually in really rough shape. The Primary Pyrex set is definitely one of my classic faves. I use my blue loaf-pan-shaped fridgie the most.

  4. I love fridgies!! I have yet to find a red one in as good condition as yours.

    I keep a mini with tea bags in it, and the next size up with butter in it, both on a lazy susan next to the stove.

    ps - that's a really old original fridgie lid!

  5. I'm using one right now - fruit for breakfast!! They're just the best size!

  6. I have two like this that I inherited from my mother-in-law. They are very old.

  7. I like this size good for two meat loaf or any kind of dish. I like pyrex too!

    Kim, USA

  8. I love these dishes. I grin every time I see the fridgies at the secondhand shops.

  9. I found a couple of those. I have too much stuff so I'm trying to sell mine on etsy. When I was a kid I had a set of toy plastic fridge dishes. They were red, yellow, and (I think) blue, complete with pyrex looking lids. Now THOSE I would love to find sometime. Those are very useful dishes to have.

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  10. i just got my first fridgie last weekend! i love that size for storing stuff in the fridge but i always see them for ten bucks and for me that is tooooo much.

  11. I'd love to find a second one of these so I have a pair. I saw a one in terrible condition once for $5 and had to pass. It had been through the dishwasher several times. Sad.
