Monday, September 24, 2012

Vintage Le Creuset Knockoff?

We were back in town for the weekend and happened upon a neighbor's garage sale! My dad was visiting, and tipped me off to what he called some Fake Le Creuset.

I scurried over to check it out and sure enough, Le Creuset flame colour, check. Phenolic knob, check. Enamelled cast iron, check! Le Creuset markings, nope!

For three dollars though, still a good quality, heavy vintage cast iron piece, so I scooped it up. I had buyers remorse afterwards, but I was able to sell it on craigslist to a fellow no knead baker who didn't mind the discoloured interior.

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!


  1. I don't think that's bad at all for $3. Hopefully you made a little profit, too.

    1. I just sold it for ten bucks because I wanted to get rid of it, but I had lots of interest! Oh well, sometimes it's fun to have a piece for a little while.

  2. I think you may have had a great piece of descoware! I collect it, and have found that sometimes the stamp on the bottom wears off. I love descoware! :)

  3. PS- Happy 7 months to your little guy! Any teeth yet? How about scooting about? I'm so thankful ours was a late mover- she's 9 months today and only started scooting/crawling last week! Now what to do with all the Pyrex... !

    1. Thanks, and happy 9 months to your little one! Yes two little bottom teeth and starting to crawl, which is kinda terrifying! You are right, we have some babyproofing to do!!

  4. Good for you for getting rid of it when you didn't want it. When I have buyer's remorse, I usually don't do anything about it, and the offending item just sits there staring at me, making me feel bad. :)

    1. Oh trust me, that is what normally happens to me but this thing is too big to just tuck away into a closet, haha.

  5. I like it too despite the interiors... This 70s kind of orange is one of my favourite colours!
