Thursday, September 13, 2012

Farstrup Teak Chair Made in Denmark

One of my favourite finds from a while ago is this ordinary looking, humble chair.

Well... It is actually a great chair! I spotted it at my favourite church basement and thought it looked nice and sturdy. Then I flipped it over and saw the Farstrup made in Denmark tag. :)

I believe the back rail and spindles are beech wood, with a teak plywood seat. It is surprisingly comfortable - I have been using it as a nursing chair! I am so glad we didn't spend a fortune on a fancy glider at the baby store.

I bought this beauty for five bucks. Love how the sticker said "solid wood". I suppose if it read Danish Teak, it wouldn't have been waiting for me!!

Here is a shot of the chair edge. It is just so darn comfy. I have spent many hours in this chair over the last six months.

Probably one of my best $5 finds for sentimental reasons!

Linking up to Thrift Share Monday and Vintage Thingie Thursday!


  1. Beautiful! I love a good wooden chair. Even better when it's a "special" one!

  2. Any solid wood is a wonderful buy considering how many things are made today from some mysterious pressed together stuff. Great looking shape too.

  3. What a great find, such a lovely chair! I love the simplicity/lack of fussiness. Enjoy!

    Happy VTT!

  4. You definitely got you money's worth with this chair. Hardly anything sold wood anymore.

  5. Simple lines but so totally gorgeous! Great find :-)

  6. That was a super find!

    I believe it's the same brand we found i the garbage. The chairs are used everyday but we still need to make legs for the table!

  7. This is a beautiful chair, but I have to admit that I can't even fathom nursing in it! I'm ALL about my cushy recliner or glider for that. Have a blessed weekend!

  8. Lovely chair. quality is always more comfortable.

  9. Love the chair! It's nice to see something that WON'T be painted and distressed, but just left alone and appreciated for it's craftmanship. I'm glad that you're the one
    that found it! Thank you for following me too!
    Erica :)

  10. I LOVE Danish modern and that chair is amazing...5 Bucks? So Sold!

  11. So glad you guys love it too! I feel a bit silly waxing poetic about a simple chair like this, but it is really that good!!

  12. I grew up (on Vancouver Island) with modern Danish teak furniture. Some of it my Mum still has her very comfortable dining room chairs that invite long, after dinner conversations and where the base for late night homework sessions. The gliders that I tested while pregnant gave me motion sickness that traditional rockers did not. I am not surprised that this chair works for you as arms on a chair can get in the way.

    1. Oh arms on chairs are not my friend these days. This chair is nicely arm-free :)

  13. That's such a cool story! And who would have thought the chair would be so comfy? Quelle deal for five bucks. I miss church sales! :)

  14. Nice looking chair to go with a cool story! Teak furniture is great because it can last a lifetime!
