Monday, July 23, 2012

Vintage Rival Crock Pot Slow Cooker New Old Stock!

Okay so by now you've all probably figured out what a huge Craigslist hound I am... Just check out my craigslist label to see what else I've purchased and how awesome I think this site is.

When I decided that I wanted to finally buy a slow cooker, I naturally turned to Craigslist. I could no longer resist the lure of awesome recipes like Mary's carmelized onions over at Barefeet in the Kitchen and dulce de leche from condensed milk in mason jars!

I didn't set out to buy a vintage crock pot, but instead was simply searching for cheapies that were in new condition. I saw a listing for a Rival crock pot listed as brand new for ten bucks. When I went to go pick up my bounty I saw that it was an old piece that had never been opened. The seller said her mother in law received it as a gift and never opened it.

This crock pot comes with a stoneware crock, Pyrex lid, and 1982 crock pot recipe book. I guess this thing is almost as old as I am! While I obviously love vintage stuff, I'm actually kind of relieved that it's such a neutral looking design in this case. The almond color works just fine for me.

I've since read that some people actually prefer vintage slow cookers over new ones as manufacturers now set these units to cook at higher temperatures. While the argument is for better food safety, consumers have complained that food is often boiling and over cooked. I will have to see for myself how I like it, but I'll be food safe and test to make sure this piece can attain safe cooking temperatures first!

I'm linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Le Creuset Thrifted at Salvation Army

So my first trip to a thrift with my new little baby was a bit of adventure... A great one that is! I suppose it was actually his three month birthday, and to be honest, I hadn't really figured things out yet. Like how to bring him into a store.

I was visiting the optometrist and doo doo dooooo, just happened to find a parking spot right in front of the Salvation Army. I had to pop inside. I foisted the little guy on one shoulder and took a quick stroll around.

He started screaming... Then, I spotted this vintage white Le Creuset saucepot with wooden handle.

I have actually owned this before - see my Vintage Le Creuset #16 saucepot post. This pot, however, was marked $7.99, much better than the $30 I paid for my other one.

I settled my little guy down, and my eyes scanned the rest of the shelves. I cannot believe that this beautiful blue #24 Le Creuset dutch oven was sitting right there next to the white one. Luckily for me, I believe they were still there because the staff had placed the two pieces on the floor under the shelves. I guess they were too heavy!

The interior of the pot was in pretty decent condition considering that it was... $9.99!!! I quickly and calmly picked up a wheely shopping basket and placed my goodies safely inside.

So just for comparison purposes, the photo above shows my wedding-gift #26 Cobalt Blue dutch oven on the left. I believe that rang in at about $320 in our local store (Thanks Auntie Helen!) while my thrifted Le Creuset was a Salvation Army score at $10.

A super nice lady in the line up behind me said, "Le Creuset, good work, girl!" Haha. She also must have noticed my frazzled state and I was so relieved when she offerred to help me bring these heavy pieces to my car with me!

I like the look of this receipt with my $18 total. =) I'm also happy to report that I now know how to use our stroller, so I am now slightly less frazzled!

I'm linking up to Flea Market Finds and Thrift Share Monday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pyrex Horizon Blue Fridgie

With the upcoming move and all, I'm trying to figure out which items I should bring with me, do without, or purchase a duplicate of.

I am quite fond of my trusty yellow 503 fridgie dish from my Pyrex Primary Score a couple years back. I still can't believe we drove 20 miles / 30km to a barn in nowheresville to pick these goodies up. Anyhoo, it's become an essential piece in my kitchen. I bake brownies and banana bread in it, marinade chicken, and even mix up small salads in this piece.

I found a craigslist ad for the Horizon Blue fridgie of the same size, no lid, for $10. I thought the price was a bit high but talked the seller down to $8 and purchased it. Incidentally, at the crazy barn sale I mentioned above, the seller threw in 2 extra 503 fridgie lids for me, and now I have a little guy to match it up.

Don't you just love this blue floral art deco pattern? The piece is in perfect condition, and I love the way the white milk glass sets off the print. The Horizon Blue is my third piece of this size. I know this sounds silly, but my Pyrex Aqua Fridgie set is one of the hands-off sets in my house. I can't bear to use it since it's in such perfect condition!

Do you have a favourite Pyrex size or piece that's a work horse in your kitchen?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Moving with Baby to a Small Town!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Canada Day and Independence Day holiday! Mr. SixBalloons and I have had a crazy past couple of weeks... We are leaving our home in Vancouver and moving!

The photo above shows the Olympic cauldron and is just one of the many places in our city that we love.

The hubby has a great career opportunity requiring a temporary transfer to Vancouver Island, a 2 hour ferry ride, plus 5 hour drive away.

Our little guy just recently turned four months old. For you readers out there who may not be aware, Maternity Leave in Canada is up to 12 months in duration. The baby and I are going to join Mr. SixBalloons for the next few months until I have to come back and return to work.

We are moving to a town with a population of 2,000 people so it will be a big adjustment for us. At first we were terrified of leaving the support systems we have here, as our lucky little guy has all four grandparents in Vancouver. However, we're looking at it as a bit of an adventure for our young family. Though it is a small town, it is supposed to be very scenic and beautiful - a little spot of paradise on the ocean.

Oh, and in case you're wondering... Yes I have checked. There's two thrift stores in town! :) Stay tuned though. I still have a backlog of sweet finds yet to share.