Sunday, July 15, 2012

Le Creuset Thrifted at Salvation Army

So my first trip to a thrift with my new little baby was a bit of adventure... A great one that is! I suppose it was actually his three month birthday, and to be honest, I hadn't really figured things out yet. Like how to bring him into a store.

I was visiting the optometrist and doo doo dooooo, just happened to find a parking spot right in front of the Salvation Army. I had to pop inside. I foisted the little guy on one shoulder and took a quick stroll around.

He started screaming... Then, I spotted this vintage white Le Creuset saucepot with wooden handle.

I have actually owned this before - see my Vintage Le Creuset #16 saucepot post. This pot, however, was marked $7.99, much better than the $30 I paid for my other one.

I settled my little guy down, and my eyes scanned the rest of the shelves. I cannot believe that this beautiful blue #24 Le Creuset dutch oven was sitting right there next to the white one. Luckily for me, I believe they were still there because the staff had placed the two pieces on the floor under the shelves. I guess they were too heavy!

The interior of the pot was in pretty decent condition considering that it was... $9.99!!! I quickly and calmly picked up a wheely shopping basket and placed my goodies safely inside.

So just for comparison purposes, the photo above shows my wedding-gift #26 Cobalt Blue dutch oven on the left. I believe that rang in at about $320 in our local store (Thanks Auntie Helen!) while my thrifted Le Creuset was a Salvation Army score at $10.

A super nice lady in the line up behind me said, "Le Creuset, good work, girl!" Haha. She also must have noticed my frazzled state and I was so relieved when she offerred to help me bring these heavy pieces to my car with me!

I like the look of this receipt with my $18 total. =) I'm also happy to report that I now know how to use our stroller, so I am now slightly less frazzled!

I'm linking up to Flea Market Finds and Thrift Share Monday!


  1. Really great finds! I'm always on the lookout for vintage Le Creuset.

  2. Fantastic! I think your eyes are sharp enough!

  3. I'm impressed. Great finds. Cx

  4. I can see why you are so happy. Such steals. Congrats.

  5. GREAT finds! I wouldn't have trusted the lady who offered to help not to run off with them ;-) I've had a few good Le Creuset finds recently, will post on them soon :-)

  6. The first time is always hard with a little one, but then you gain confidence and it gets easier! And what a reward your first time out!!! Definitely worth a little frazzle! :)

    1. Yeah I actually thanked the little guy after for his patience. Haha.

  7. Well done. You got a couple of real bargains.

  8. Awesome! I'm still waiting for my own epic Le Creuset find... it has got to happen eventually :)

  9. now that is an amazing find. so jealous! and well done, going thrifting with your little one!

  10. I was actually daydreaming about cheap Le Creuset finds at the thrift as I was walking into the place... So keep your eyes peeled!

  11. Hi! I am a fellow Canadian, all the way here in Edmoonton, Alberta. I've bought 5 pieces of Le Creuset today in a garage sale but how will i know if they are vintage or not? Color is Flame. Thank you! - Sev

    1. Hi Neighbour! A few things are a giveaway... You can always email me and tell me more about it or send a pic!

  12. Hi Neighbor, I sent you an email and I attached a photo of my haul. - SEV

  13. Hi from Saskatchewan!!

    Great finds! It is always hard to thrift with a little one, but keep at it! I plan to train my daughters eye to be better than mine in the shops!!! :)

  14. Awesome finds that truly made up for having to do a quick shop with the little one along for the trip! I can't even imagine trying to shop with my first son at three months old. I'm pretty sure that a trip to pick up a gallon of milk might have wiped me out at that point. Way to go!
