Friday, July 6, 2012

Moving with Baby to a Small Town!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Canada Day and Independence Day holiday! Mr. SixBalloons and I have had a crazy past couple of weeks... We are leaving our home in Vancouver and moving!

The photo above shows the Olympic cauldron and is just one of the many places in our city that we love.

The hubby has a great career opportunity requiring a temporary transfer to Vancouver Island, a 2 hour ferry ride, plus 5 hour drive away.

Our little guy just recently turned four months old. For you readers out there who may not be aware, Maternity Leave in Canada is up to 12 months in duration. The baby and I are going to join Mr. SixBalloons for the next few months until I have to come back and return to work.

We are moving to a town with a population of 2,000 people so it will be a big adjustment for us. At first we were terrified of leaving the support systems we have here, as our lucky little guy has all four grandparents in Vancouver. However, we're looking at it as a bit of an adventure for our young family. Though it is a small town, it is supposed to be very scenic and beautiful - a little spot of paradise on the ocean.

Oh, and in case you're wondering... Yes I have checked. There's two thrift stores in town! :) Stay tuned though. I still have a backlog of sweet finds yet to share.


  1. Sometimes a change is good!!

    Have fun on your new adventure!!

  2. Congrats on the move, how exciting! Vancouver Island is so gorg - and lucky you, you still get to thrift shop! :)

  3. It really sounds like a fun adventure!

  4. Even if your little town only has 2 thrift stores towns on Vancouver Island are so close together likely there are more just 20 mins away. Have fun! PS we get less rain than Vancouver :)

  5. Sounds like it's going to be a lovely adventure! Best of luck :)

  6. Enjoy the adventure! You will have a little "country baby" for a few months and probably love the slower pace of life :-)

  7. What a great adventure! I grew up mostly on Vancouver Island but spent most of my first five years farther north on the Queen Charlotte Islands and my Mum remembers those early days of living in a small community very fondly.

  8. Will miss you 6B. P and I will have to road trip for a visit!

  9. I'm so excited for you! What a wonderful time in your life- full of adventure and new possibilities! Enjoy your new place! :)

  10. Sounds very interesting and adventurous. Have a great time.

  11. I got married on Vancouver Island...I love it! And congrats on the little one. I've been out of commission as I just had a baby 2 1/2 months ago (so I'm impressed you kept up the blogging)

  12. Thanks for all the comments, everyone. The news was a bit overwhelming to take at first but now the excitement is mounting.

    I really appreciated hearing about your connections to the Island! This really is a small world isn't it!? We'll be making the move later this month, and I'll be sure to share with you some of the sights at our new town.
