Sunday, March 11, 2012

SixBalloons Baby Announcement!

Hi Everyone, it has been a little quiet here at the blog the last couple weeks because we have some wonderful news... It's a Boy!

Mr. SixBalloons and I are the proud new parents of a little boy and we are over the moon. This may also explain my little blogging absence in the summer when I was dealing with the first part of the pregnancy. =)

I haven't been out thrifting lately, but I am still using my vintage goodies. Storing milk containers in the fridge is made a bit more tidy with my little Pyrex Delphite refrigerator dish.

I am a bit weird about posting personal photos on this site, so I probably won't be sharing any pics of our little bundle of joy. Hope that's alright, and that you'll all be patient with me while I work on getting into our new routine... I still have plenty of goodies to blog about and I'll try to be back soon!

Linking up to HLA's Flea Market Finds!


  1. congrats on the little one!! (and pyrex junkie in the making?) :)

  2. Congrats! :)

    My little guy is almost 2 now so when people say it goes by fast, it really does. The first couple of months as new parents are amazing but tough. Get as much rest as possible and accept help (as long as it's actually helpful).

    PS. I am the same way, no personal pics, so I totally understand. I'm sure he is adorable :)

  3. That's so sweet! I wish you and your expanded fam the best and am surprised to see you popping in. I hear the first few months are exhausting!

  4. Congratulations! Little boys steal their mammy's heart away for ever :-)

  5. Congratulations!! They have a way of changing your life, don't they? Wish I could send you a a Pyrex of course!

  6. Awww- congratulations on your sweet little baby!! They are wonderful, aren't they?! Get some rest , and try to enjoy all the snuggle time you can- it is amazing how quickly they grow. It's only been 11 weeks, and already our little one has outgrown so much! So thrilled for you and your family! :)

  7. Congratulations!!! New life is such a gift. The thrifting and the blogging will always be there, it can wait. :)

  8. Congratulations on your new little boy - baby boys are pretty special!!

  9. congratulations! such wonderful news - every healthy baby is a miracle. my 'baby' will turn 20 this year and as Paskiaq said, the time flies. the good news is you fall more in love every day. enjoy every moment!

  10. Congrats! wonderful news....and no, I don't blame you for not showing pics of the's the personal/business line drawn. ;)

  11. Congratulations!! That's so exciting! Take your time with the blog... family over blogging, definitely. We'll still be here whenever you have time :)

  12. Congrats! Little boys are so precious! My "babies" are 10 and 8. I would love to have a little one again.

  13. Congratulations!

    Enjoy every moment because times flies!

    I'm glad you're using that Delphite fridgie!


    Valerie :)

  14. Congrats!! Enjoy every minute with your little one- blogging and thrifting can wait!

  15. Thank you everyone, for your kind words. We are really nervous about being parents but are excited that we have the opportunity to care for this new little guy!

  16. Congratulations to you and Mr. SixBalloons! :) That is great news, indeed!

  17. Amazing news- congrats to you both! And 'hi' to your little guy :)

  18. Congrats! We're due in June and are also having a boy. No worries...I don't post personal pics either. Especially of my kids.
    I already have a 4yo's tons of fun!

  19. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so very very excited to hear this news! I'm grinning from ear to ear. Enjoy your new world and I look forward to hearing more about your little one.

    1. Wow. I really am forgetful! I remembered your pregnancy, but forgot the announcement of his arrival. I think my own boys are draining my brain cells. I'm glad you are settling into a routine. Take care and have a blessed day!

  20. How wonderful! Congratulations, baby boys are the best (I'm biased)
