Sunday, October 30, 2011

Vintage Pan Am Purse Bag!

With the popularity of the new TV show Pan Am, I was reminded by a great purchase I made at a garage sale almost 10 years ago!

My Dad and I have this thing where we drive around on the weekends in the summertime and shout "GARAGE SALE!" in unison when we'd spot a sign. On one such occasion, we came across a lady selling an assortment of goods laid out on tables. We were her only customers, and most of the items were a bit boring until I spotted this sweet vintage Pan Am purse!

I casually asked her the price and was pretty pleased to hear it was $2.  =)  Don't you love garage sales?

I was always fascinated by this old airline, not having known much about it, but having been intruiged by the luxuriousness of airplane travel at the time. My mom used to check the zippers on clothes when we were kids - she told us that if the zippers said YKK, it told her the materials used were of high quality. I love the quality of the grommets and zippers on this bag. Everything is very sturdy and smooth.

This purse is pretty handy for toting around every now and then. I have to say though, I probably liked it a bit better before they started making reproductions of Pan Am bags!

Linking up to Her Library Adventures and ATG's Thrift Share Monday!


  1. What a sweet bag, and it looks like a great size too. x

  2. A great bag! My father was pilot for a small regional airline but, because his business card said Captain and Chief pilot, when we flew overseas we were upgraded to first class with the beautiful china and elegant flight attendants. I have two TWA old-fashion glasses which remind me of when air travel was glamorous.

  3. I love watching Pan Am - the bag is so cute!!

  4. Oh, I remember those bags! I grew up in the city the SF airport is in, so went to school with all the kids of the foreign pilots that came over to work for the airlines!

  5. Thanks for the comments... don't you wish airlines could go back to using real glasses and cutlery? I guess that isn't possible in today's world. How things have changed.

  6. Nice find! That's awesome that you and your dad would go out hunting garage sales. :)

  7. I love it! It looks like some of those Pan Am bags have a high resale value too.

  8. Just wanted to say - hate the show, love the bag.

    Definitely a cool find.

  9. Yep, love cruising for garage sales with my Dad. I forgot to mention that yes, I find the show unwatchable too!

  10. That's a great memory to have of hitting garage sales with your dad- special times for sure (and cute bag for a great price)!
