Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Little Marvel Heirloom Peas Growing in the Garden!

I am growing an heirloom variety of peas this summer called Little Marvel, and the beautiful pods are emerging from the creamy white flowers.

I love seeing the delicate peas when the light is shining back behind the pods! Little Marvel only grows to about 4' in height and is well suited to container growing or on its own in the garden.

I staked about five pea plants around a green tomato cage, which acts as a trellis for the peas. This cluster of pods and flowers shows the little tips clinging on to parts of the trellis and each other.

The curly tips are so beautiful. They're reaching out for something to cling onto as they reach for the skies.

Also exciting to see in the garden is my garlic scapes, a SixBalloons garden first! Did you know that scapes tend to be ready for harvest around the date of the Summer Solstice? Interesting.

What's growing in your garden?

Linking up to the Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage!


  1. Thanks! It's a little garden so it'll just provide a few nibbles of food, but I am having a great time with it. =)

  2. I stole your tomato cage idea today :) I have 4 stages of peas in my garden and I'm hoping the big guys get the hint and start climbing!

  3. Excellent! I should mention that I actually trained the vines to run along the cage-trellis. I just tore some strips of cotton from an old t-shirt and tied them to the cage. The ones without support languished and have not produced flowers.

  4. ooooh it is so exciting! i love the little pea tendrils and the way the pea looks like it is wearing a little floral cap. also, i did not know about garlic scapes being ready right about now. i love nature :)

    i just chopped up my very first "harvest" yesterday... a hot pepper, and used it in a new recipe.

  5. We grew beans to help with the soil around our squash and pumpkins. Little did we know how well they would do. They have twined into everything! Live and learn though, it's our first year gardening and next year they will definitely have something with them for a trellis.

    Our sweet peas are with the sunflowers and they climb the stalks there. It's fun to see how well everything works together.

  6. Oh my - the tomato cage idea is brilliant! I can't wait to try it!

  7. Your peas are gorgeous! I've never grown peas before. I hope to try them next year.
