Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vintage Melitta Coffee Tea Pot in Mint Green!

Before I jump into this terrific tale, I want to thank you all for commenting and following! I have made it easier to leave a comment by removing the "Word Verification" requirement. I hope you will keep stopping by and telling me your thoughts!

Without further ado, here is a piece I have been seeking for some time... a vintage Melitta coffee or tea pot!

The first time I saw this piece, it was through a window at a thrift shop that reserves special items for a monthly auction. It was a complete set with the matching ceramic filter, but the bidding was already past $60 by the time I came along.

The mint green colour and simple style caught my eye at the time, and I have since had this on my thrift wish list. Melitta is a German company founded in 1908 with the invention of the drip-brew paper coffee filter. Melitta is actually the name of the woman who came up with the invention, then became an entrepreneur who started the business.

The spout has an interesting hole with a ridge leading back into the pot. Apparently this is a feature of Melitta ceramic coffee pots that makes the spout drip-proof. It is actually quite clever; I suppose it guides the liquid back down the spout.

The interior of the pot is glazed and glossy. Even though it is missing the matching ceramic filter cone holder that sits on top of the pot (in place of the lid when making coffee), it's in great shape and can be used as a teapot.

The underside of the pot is unglazed; I have seen a vintage Melitta with an original label reading:  "Caution - Never put coffee pot on direct heat! Always use asbestos plate between source of heat and your coffee pot."  You won't find me putting this piece on the stovetop, that's for sure.

Interesting tidbit... This teapot is unmarked except for the faded Melitta label shown above. You see, the topper drip cone was embossed with the brand as part of the set, so a permanent marking on the pot itself was unnecessary. The $5 price sticker at the Salvation Army was placed OVER the Melitta label!! I actually believe this is the only reason we were able to come along and find this little treasure before someone else snatched it up.  =)

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!

UPDATE: I just found another vintage Melitta pot in a buttery yellow colour! Read all about it here!


  1. Wow, wonderful coffee pot and even better story and history behind it.

  2. So very cool! And I love that green! :)

  3. I love that color! Melitta is such an iconic brand, this design is timeless. Great find :)

  4. so sometimes it's good when people who work in op-shops put labels in the wrong place!!!

  5. What a wonderful find and thanks for the history...I will start looking out for them

  6. Great pot, it's very you. And how brilliant you were able to snap it up before anyone realised who it was by.

    I haven't seen you over at my blog for a while, come and see what I've been finding.

  7. Great pot, i love these tales of finding the bargains which the charity shops/ thrift stores dont realise and mark down - hehe! It was meant to be yours :o) Scarlett x

  8. OOH! I had never heard of Melitta before. I love the simplicity of it, and that the handle looks like it is actually big enough to grasp properly!! Oh, and the drip-proof spout!! Genius!!
    I am now adding Melitta to my "covet" list!!

  9. Price sticker placing can be a blessing and a curse eh? You definitely scored. I am a lover of all things green and now I'm green with envy!

  10. Indeed, I feel lucky to have snagged this piece for $5. It was sitting on an upper shelf, looking very simple, and I'm sure many people walked past it - it was a busy Saturday afternoon at the store!

    The only thing that made me cringe, was removing the price sticker and further damaging the old Melitta sticker... No major harm done though, I'll take good care of this pot from now on. :)

  11. So cute! I love Melitta products and use the newer plastic filters to make my coffee in the morning. Now I will need to be on the lookout for ceramic ones!

  12. Melissa K. in NebraskaMarch 28, 2011 at 6:44 PM

    I think it's neat that the little wooden birdie keeps popping up in random photos. He's cute. Makes me smile. A Six Balloons mascot maybe?

  13. Cute pot and you know I love green!

    Thank you for removing the word verification. I wonder if I have word verification. Hate that!

  14. Lovely find, I love the bright color and the shape! Interesting how it's drip-proof..I wish the little Japanese teapot I used daily was. I make a mess every day with it!

  15. I'm glad you all like it! I'm still quite fascinated by the hole in the spout. I suppose it creates a "Dip" that draws the water in, but is small enough that it holds itself within the spout due to surface tension.

    Who doesn't love a little science in their life? :)

  16. I remember my parents having the set, in a lovely butter yellow. I wonder who picked that up in a garage sale when they went down the Mr. Coffee road.
