Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rolling Pin and De Vault Feemster Vegetable Peelers

Over the last couple of weeks, I have come upon some more kitchen lovelies. At the estate sale where I found the Le Creuset oval cocotte, I picked up two neat looking vegetable peelers for 10¢ a piece.

I thought they both looked so unique with their shape and handle. Inscribed on both the aluminum and plastic yellow one are "JANFEE De Vault Peeler W.R. Feemster Co. USA". The older aluminum one notes Chicago and Detroit, while the cheerful yellow reads Brooklyn and Michigan.

Now that I have had time to do some research, it looks like these are old potato peelers that are quite collectible. One site I visited indicated that an aluminum one was from the 1930s but I'm not quite convinced they are that old. Does anyone have any idea?

The following weekend, a church basement was featuring a 50% off sale, and I scooped up this great rolling pin with bright red handles for $1. Not really sure if it's vintage or not, but it was clean as a whistle, and looked great.

I'm looking forward to putting these newbies to work in the kitchen. =)


  1. Loving the finds esp the rolling pin! Who'd have thought potato peelers were collectable! Just goes to show its worth looking out for the little things :o) Scarlett x

  2. Love em! I'm collecting old kitchen utensils too - ones with brightly painted, usually chipping, wooden handles.

  3. Love kitchen tools and those peelers are so cool! Anything with red handles is a keeper also.

  4. I have a bad habit of picking up vintage kitchen gadgets, I do use some of them though (and decorate with the rest).

    I'd never seen a potato peeler like that before and you found two!

  5. Yeah, the peelers are pretty neat - what caught my eye at the estate sale was the unique shape. For 10 cents a piece, how could I say no?

    I really do love the bright red handles on the rolling pin. :)

  6. That is the kind of peeler I have and use and is the absolute best peeler you can possibly find!!! I stumbled across this site trying to see if I can find/buy another because mine is so old the blade is almost worn through. I am 60 and my mother is 88. It is the only kind of peeler I ever knew growing up and to this day am so frustrated if I have to use any other. I wish they would make them like this now. They are 100 times better than anything else. I don't know how old mine is--it might even have been my grandmother's---not sure.

  7. I also grew up using the Devault peeler. Mine too was so wore the blade keeps falling out. I look everywhere I can at antique shops looking for them. I found one for $8 a number of years ago. I am still using it. Ebay has one for $25! There is no better peeler around! I will keep looking.

  8. I just bought a Devault peeler at a flea market for $1.00! Didn't know what I had, but knew it was old. Haven't tried it yet. It is in excellent condition. It is an older aluminum one which denotes Chicago.
