Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year folks! I have been reflecting on the last year over the holidays. Having a baby in February was a life changing event in many ways... Ever since I was 14, I worked summer jobs when I wasn't in school, and never really took any breaks. The longest vacation I took was four weeks to get married and it felt so luxurious. I looked at maternity leave as a big holiday, thinking I would garden, nap, blog, thrift. I got a little less done than I wanted but it has still been great!

The little guy turned 10 months old on Christmas day, and I am gearing up to return to work next week. It will be part time at first, then back to the full time grind at the end of February. I feel very lucky that I have been able to take this much time off, but still have mixed feelings. I am anxious about being away from him, but eager to get that independent part of my working life back!

One of the things I enjoyed this year was baking no-knead artisan breads at home, and then moving on to sourdoughs with my own homemade starter. I hope you all are interested in hearing about it, as I am hoping to write some posts on it. It is a great frugal means of having good real bread, and I use my vintage kitchen goodies to prepare it!

Thanks for sticking with me and my sparse posts through the year. I hope things become a bit more "normal" in the new year and I get a little more thrifting in!


  1. Breadmaking is one of the things I would like to learn to do this year. Wow, it just seems like a few weeks ago you had your little one. The year does go by quickly

  2. Welcome back! I can't wait to hear how your transistion goes.

    Good Luck:-)


  3. Looking forward to reading about your bread adventures! We LOVE sourdough and I'd love to learn how to make it!

  4. Good luck with your return to work this week! I'm excited to hear about your bread-making adventures. :)

  5. Your loaves look fantastic!! Looking forward to hearing more about your sourdough adventures!

  6. I adore artisanal bread. Your loaves look delicious! I'm looking forward to reading about your breadmaking. Thanks so much for dropping by L'Heure Bleue At Home.
