Friday, January 11, 2013

Pyrex Find at Value Village

Just after Christmas, I had to drop something off at the post office and managed to zip into my local Value Village.

Have I mentioned that I just love fridgies? I spotted the yellow 503 from the primary colours set and it was in almost-perfect condition. I swooped into the aisle quickly because a young hipster was scouring the shelves nearby, and you just never know!

I hesitated bigtime when I saw the $6.99 pricetag. With tax, that is almost eight dollars! I caved and bought it, convincing myself that I have an orphan lid at home that has been waiting for it.

I use the dishes for marinading fish, holding and serving salads, and baking brownies so it really doesn't hurt to have multiples.

I also think it looks pretty cute with my Primary Blue and Delphite Blue Fridgies. =) Linking up to Thrift Share Monday at ATG!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year folks! I have been reflecting on the last year over the holidays. Having a baby in February was a life changing event in many ways... Ever since I was 14, I worked summer jobs when I wasn't in school, and never really took any breaks. The longest vacation I took was four weeks to get married and it felt so luxurious. I looked at maternity leave as a big holiday, thinking I would garden, nap, blog, thrift. I got a little less done than I wanted but it has still been great!

The little guy turned 10 months old on Christmas day, and I am gearing up to return to work next week. It will be part time at first, then back to the full time grind at the end of February. I feel very lucky that I have been able to take this much time off, but still have mixed feelings. I am anxious about being away from him, but eager to get that independent part of my working life back!

One of the things I enjoyed this year was baking no-knead artisan breads at home, and then moving on to sourdoughs with my own homemade starter. I hope you all are interested in hearing about it, as I am hoping to write some posts on it. It is a great frugal means of having good real bread, and I use my vintage kitchen goodies to prepare it!

Thanks for sticking with me and my sparse posts through the year. I hope things become a bit more "normal" in the new year and I get a little more thrifting in!