Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thrifted Christmas Glass Ornaments Handmade in Ukraine!

So at the Holly Bazaar I went to last weekend, I figured we had arrived too late to snag anything good on the ornaments front.

Luckily, I am an under-the-table-box-rummager. There were half empty Martha Stewart decorations and boxes of mismatched ornaments, all marked $2. Then I spotted an unopened box of great looking bulbs.

Also two dollars! The box said that they were handcrafted glass ornaments made in the Ukraine and originally cost $25. Ulp.

I am still hoping to find a box of vintage Shiny Brites someday (I have never seen any in the wild) but these were a great score too!


  1. They're very pretty!!!

    Hope your package arrives soon and intact!!

  2. I can't wait for you to find a box of vintage Shiny Brites! It will happen and totally be worth the wait.

    Happy Holidays,


  3. Haha, I am a rummage-under-the-table person too! What a score; those ornaments are beautiful. I love the tear-drop shape - they remind me of beloved ornaments we had growing up in the 70s. :)

  4. I came across a lot of shiny brights this week. No indents though. They seem to package up one or two vintage with three of four plastic crappy ones though. Nice finds (hubby is Ukrainian so I find those especially nice)

  5. very very nice! love the "spangle" design on them!
