Sunday, October 28, 2012

Picasso and Matisse Art Books Thrifted

So in the small town thrift store one day, I found a huge pile of beautiful art books amongst the comics, craft magazines, and junky paperback novels. Someone must have passed away and had their collection donated, as it was a significant selection!

There were a lot of great books, but these two stood out. I first noticed the Picasso as it was bound in a tan cloth, published in 1946, and was part of a set of three. The prints inside were wonderful, and there was some commentary preceding it. There was a matching Matisse book and another artist whose name escapes me now - since I wasn't familiar with the name and the book was in poor shape, I left that one behind.

It turns out that the Picasso book, formally known as "Paintings and Drawings of Picasso with a Critical Survey by Jaime Sabartes" is worth hundreds of dollars! The Matisse, or rather, "Paintings and Drawings of Matisse with a Critical Survey by Jean Cassou" seems to be worth much less.

I haven't mentioned this yet, but each book was priced at $3. This was definitely a great thrift score but I am really not sure how to go about attempting to sell it. I think I will enjoy the books for a while and take a few more photos, then see about finding a buyer who will appreciate them more than me!

I'm linking up this week with Sir Thrift a Lot, A Living Space and Apron Thrift Girl!


  1. Great find! I love the simple covers, and of course the images inside are beautiful. I always keep my eye our for art books when thrifting, but only rarely find them!

  2. I love art books, and it's even better when they're worth so much! Good luck finding a buyer :)
    Thanks for linking up with us!

  3. Oh gosh, i want those books! I love finding old books like these for just a few pence or pounds, i have so many vintage and antiquarian books on my shelves.
    Aqeela xx

  4. Not bad! When you sell them, would love to know what kinda profit you made. I agree with Heather - love the simple covers.

    Thanks, Six, for linking up with me.

    ♥ Sir Thrift-A-Lot

  5. I used to work in a used and antique bookstore. Art books always get high prices, especially the ones from smaller printers that had limited production runs. Great finds!

  6. Beautiful books, and what a steal you got them for! I found a gorgeous old (and not stinky!) Van Gogh coffee table book for my artist sis at Value Village - it was a good price (not three bucks, mind), and she loved it.

    P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog from a few weeks ago. It means a lot. :) xo
