Sunday, October 28, 2012

Picasso and Matisse Art Books Thrifted

So in the small town thrift store one day, I found a huge pile of beautiful art books amongst the comics, craft magazines, and junky paperback novels. Someone must have passed away and had their collection donated, as it was a significant selection!

There were a lot of great books, but these two stood out. I first noticed the Picasso as it was bound in a tan cloth, published in 1946, and was part of a set of three. The prints inside were wonderful, and there was some commentary preceding it. There was a matching Matisse book and another artist whose name escapes me now - since I wasn't familiar with the name and the book was in poor shape, I left that one behind.

It turns out that the Picasso book, formally known as "Paintings and Drawings of Picasso with a Critical Survey by Jaime Sabartes" is worth hundreds of dollars! The Matisse, or rather, "Paintings and Drawings of Matisse with a Critical Survey by Jean Cassou" seems to be worth much less.

I haven't mentioned this yet, but each book was priced at $3. This was definitely a great thrift score but I am really not sure how to go about attempting to sell it. I think I will enjoy the books for a while and take a few more photos, then see about finding a buyer who will appreciate them more than me!

I'm linking up this week with Sir Thrift a Lot, A Living Space and Apron Thrift Girl!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Arc France Mason Jar with Label

I found this lovely old Triomphe bail top jar by Arc, made in France. It was priced at a quarter by the lovely volunteers at a hospital thrift that I popped in to.

It still has the original label! It sort of pained me to scrub it off, but at least I can share some photos with you.

The wire clasp is a little rusty and the gasket was stiff and cracked.

However, it just so happens to be the perfect container for my homemade sourdough starter! Since the wild yeast culture needs air circulation, I removed the gasket and have the perfect container!

Linking up to Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Aqua Ball Jar and Foley Measuring Spoons

So I went out to my local Salvation Army, and picked up a nice aqua Ball mason jar, a set of nesting Foley measuring spoons... and a $35 parking ticket! Rats.

I really don't need any more mason jars, but caved and bought this one because it has the loop on the capital B, meaning it's quite an old one, according to a dating chart I saw. It's also in really good condition.

I simply cannot resist stainless steel vintage measuring spoons. This one was priced at 99 cents and was tucked away behind a bunch of mixing bowls and pots.

I previously found a nice double-ended nesting set of Foley spoons for 50 cents at my local church sale, and I had a couple people email me with offers to buy them. I eventually sold them to someone who had a sentimental attachment to them.

I'm linking up for the first time to Nifty Thrifty at A Living Space and at Thrift Share Monday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Butterless Banana Bread

Hello everyone! I am late with my post this week as I was enjoying my long weekend with Canadian Thanksgiving festivities. Yum, I had two turkey dinners. :)

I wanted to share what I baked in my Pyrex Horizon Blue Fridgie... A butterless banana bread that is moist and delicious!

I adapted the recipe from a fellow Vancouverite's awesome blog, Everybody Likes Sandwiches. Simply mix together the following:

3 ripe bananas
2 eggs
1-1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp cinnamon
3/4 cup chocolate chips or chunks (sometimes I cut this down to 1/2 cup and sprinkle them mostly on top)

Grease up your Pyrex fridgie or pan, and pour in that yummy batter. Bake at 375F for 45 minutes!

I hope you will try this recipe and let me know how it turns out. Next time I am going to make mini loaves using my small 501 fridgies; I think they would look so cute!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pyrex 2 Cup Measuring Cup Craigslisted $2

Not much at the thrifts for me lately, but I am still looking! I definitely think I am getting more choosy. I will say that when I am looking for something I need for the kitchen, I will often check craigslist first.

I love my vintage Pyrex measuring cup but needed a larger one. I was happy to find this for $2 from a local girl who is moving to Europe.

Wish me luck at the thrift!