Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vintage Fisher Price Little People

Phew, thanks for sticking around dear readers! I can't believe I only posted once in April, but I should be back on the wagon now. =) This baby thing is hard work!

If you grew up in the 80s like me, surely you played with these awesome Fisher Price Little People toys. They are so cute and colourful, and Fisher Price was so clever - you could have these guys sitting in swings, sliding down slides... the possibilities were endless.

Fisher Price still makes a line of toys referred to as Little People, but as you may know, they are much chunkier than these vintage fellows. The reason is, these are actually choking hazards for real little people!

Did you know that anything that can fit through a toilet paper roll tube is a potential choking hazard? Scary.

I found this "Little People Book" once at the thrift for a quarter, and so I suppose that tells us that this girl's name is Penny.

I have seen that collared dog as a Little People figurine also. What Fisher Price sets did you have growing up?

Linking up to HLA's Flea Market Finds!


  1. My kids had many Fisher Price Little People. They had the farm and the bus! Glad to see you posting but yes having a baby is hard work! Hugs, Linda

  2. Those Little People are so cute! And yes, REAL little people are wonderful, snuggly...and A LOT of work! But soooo worth it! Hope you and baby are doing good- enjoy this "small" time- it goes so fast!

  3. Great fond memories of little people. I had the castle, and my niece has it now. I always wanted the A-frame cabin though.

  4. I am a super, super bad blog buddy 'cos I somehow missed that you had a baby boy, DUH! Happy happy and most belated of congratulations!

    No, I did not know that about the toilet roll - scary.

    Alas, I did not have any FP peeps while growing up - my friend had the garage and I WANTED it!

  5. I love the original Little People. I had a castle set, I believe, and possibly the village.

  6. Great post! I fondly remember having an AMAZING little Sesame Street set at my Grandparents, I'm certain it was a Little People set!

    I like the new sets too, and love getting them for baby girl, they are so fun to play with!

  7. My mom saved all my little people stuff, and am I glad! I have the A-frame, the castle (new and old versions) the Sesame Street building, the schoolhouse, the farm, the dollhouse (new and old), the circus train, and the parking garage. My daughter loves playing with them all!

  8. I loved these when I was little! I had a ton of them along with the garage, farm & the tree house... I think I had the schoolhouse too. Great memories!

  9. Oh YAY! We LOVE vintage Fisher Price. Leetle peeple.

  10. Hi, just found your blog through Sophie's link up. We had the Fisher Price town, hospital and cottage, and they're still in my mum and dad's attic, so many hours were spent playing with them!

  11. I had the blue triangle fisher price house with all the furniture. Now I am looking for the little people like you found

  12. I think it's amazing that with such a brand new little one(and all the sleeplessness that accompanies babies!!) you still have time to blog!!
    Toys back then had so much more charm than the ones nowadays! Are you planning on letting your little one play with your vintage stuff once he's older?

  13. Oh I remember playing with these as a kid. Fantastic find.

  14. I lo-o-o-oved little people as a kid! I had their A-frame house and the barn, so much fun.

  15. Thanks for all the feedback! I definitely need to photograph my old FP Sesame Street set. It was well loved my me and my siblings and now our nieces play with them. It'll definitely come back to my house when our little guy's old enough... Only while supervised though, due to the choking hazard. Safety first!
