Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vintage Care Bears Cheer Bear Plush

One of my most distinct childhood memories is as a five-year old in a toy store, whining to my parents that I wanted a Care Bear. I believe I even remember that it was almost $30, a princely sum at the time.

You see, my parents have four kids, and my mom stayed at home with us - we didn't just get new stuff for no reason! I feel so bad now, remembering how I was sobbing in the aisle of the toy store. Lo and behold, at the next Christmas or birthday event, I unwrapped my beautiful brand new pink Cheer Bear!

I have loved that Care Bear since then... and I also love the lesson my parents taught me. Yes, in the end I got the toy, but I was given the opportunity to realize that it was expensive and not something to hastily purchase. To this day, when I want to buy something, I prefer to think about it, research reviews on it, price shop, and then finally purchase it if I am sure it is a good quality product.  I think this experience probably made me cherish my beloved stuffed bear even more!

A few years ago, when the new vintage Care Bears were rolled out, I thought it was really amusing that the price in modern-day dollars was around $30 as well. I guess these days they are mass produced in China, and it's just a different world. I would imagine my old 80s toy was made in North America somewhere, but you wouldn't be able to tell from the completely faded tush tag.

I have so many wonderful memories of my Cheer Bear. I remember when my Mom wanted to wash her, I was so nervous that she would get damaged. I remember supervising the whole operation, and being quite upset by her appearance when she was drying on the laundry rack outside. Haha! I also remember that my brother could make me stop crying by hiding behind the bear and "magically" flapping her arms as though she was flying.

This is one vintage item I own that wasn't purchased at the thrift!

Linking up with Vintage Thingie Thursday, Flea Market Finds and Thrift Share Monday!


  1. So sweet! My sister loved Care Bears as well, although I don't think she still has hers. Those are the best belongings- the ones that have precios memories that go with them!

  2. What a sweet story!! I loved Care Bears too, my friend used to collect them. Happy VTT

  3. I love the story! So sweet, as a kid I really liked cabbage patch kids. Still have mine in my childhood home!

  4. That is such a sweet story. My youngest loved Care Bears. We could not afford them and my Mom found printed material and made several stuffed care bear 'pillows'. Such sweet memories. hugs, Linda

  5. It feels like toys these days are a lot cheaper and "disposable" than they were during my childhood days. I'm really glad my bear has lasted all these years. I can definitely say that she attended many tea parties and was dragged along to many destinations. =)

    To this day, I think I value _quality_ items rather than having more of the junk... These great 80s Care Bears are proof that it's better in the long run!

  6. Those are little bears you should definitely keep. I am sure if you could many now.

  7. I had a beloved Care Bear too, not sure where she is now though. Your is cute. :)

  8. I mean 'yours is cute', hee hee. I sure you are too. LOL.

  9. Hang on to that Care Bear, he's a special one!

  10. I loved your care bear story! I am also a child of the 80's and when I was in high school my boyfriend bought me every single care bear they made. I kept them all in their original boxes. About 10 years ago I got sick of dragging them to every house we moved to and sold them all at a garage sale for $10. Who knew they would make a comeback? I regret to this day selling them!

  11. Wow, having every Care Bear! Love the comments and memories you have all shared, thanks!

  12. Awe, I had the pink one as well! Sweet memories.

  13. I totally have this bear. It's in my daughter's room right now. I loved it and refused to get rid of it.
