Sunday, January 8, 2012

Expo 86 Souvenir Sun Visor

I sure had a hectic weekend! I continued on with my house tidying project with Mr. SixBalloons and brought another load of goodies to donate to the church thrift shop.

I also came upon a great souvenir from the Vancouver Expo in 1986. I have great memories of fun with Expo Ernie, the mascot, and lining up to visit the various pavilions when I was a little kid. It was the event that turned Vancouver into a big city.

I found this really sweet blue retro sun visor at the thrift for a dollar. It was cast aside in a pile of fabrics and junk, but the visor was in perfect condition. I was afraid that the plastic would have been cracked!

It even bears the offical souvenir tag. =) This was another great thrift find that brought back a bunch of great childhood memories.

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday and HLA's Flea Market Finds!


  1. Thank you for your visit and comment. I hope you find your teak lamp base soon! Someone said that nostalgia is what makes us do what we do, right?

  2. Expo 86 - the 80s must have been the time for expos, we had a huge one here in Australia for the bicentenary in 88! Childhood memories!

  3. even though I won't wear visors...I would have picked that one up too. super cool!

  4. Lucky you got to go. Although we headed to Vancouver every summer from PG, in '86 dad refused to go because it would be too busy!

  5. It was indeed busy! Lineups everywhere. It was great fun though... The Olympics kind of reminded me of that experience too.

  6. I am sure if I looked hard enough I could find my Expo 86 pin - I was 16, working in Canmore staying at a friends relative for the summer and took the train to Vancouver to meet my Mom on vacation there. I forced her to go on that ride that dropped you several hundred feet. She did but that was the last ride she ever went on with me.

  7. My sister had that very visor from our visit in 1986. The worlds fair in Vancouver is amont my earliert memoires. I chose a small flashlight as my souvineer. I was only 5! Seeing that visor brings back so many memories!
