Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vancouver Thrift Store Goodies

In Thrift Core's post on SixBalloons last week, we showed off some of the thrift stores in Vancouver that I go to every now and then.  I just wanted to elaborate on some of the awesome items that I saw in the thrift stores.

I thought that this foot stool was so vibrant and cool. Very mid-century modern style legs, but for $10, I could see why it was still sitting there.

This thrift store has a basement chock full of furniture, most of it in fairly poor condition. However, this little selection of headboards made me think of possibilities. Using my imagination, I could see that white wood one looking very crisp and nice somewhere. I'm almost tempted to go back and get the dimensions.

I can't believe how much glassware makes it into your typical thrift store. Glasses are everywhere, all the time...

Also in the basement furniture area was this vintage chair tucked away. It looked a bit ugly in person, but when I look back at the photo now I can appreciate the style of the chair, especially the wood armrest and leg details.

These vintage felt pennants were piled up together in a basket. When I came a few weeks ago, they had several landmarks for tourist attractions closer to Vancouver, but by the time I visited recently, the Lake Louise, Banff, and Toronto ones were left. These were being sold for $2 a piece, and many still had their original tags. I am curious about the previous owner, who must have loved this collection dearly.

There is so much potential in many of the items I see while out thrifting. I can't necessarily take them all home, so even when I come up empty-handed, it's often still a worthwhile trip!

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!


  1. Love the pennant! You're right - there's so much you could do with them. Love being able to see 'inside' a thrift store on the other side of the world!!

  2. This is a good idea--I should take my camera along when I thrift and photograph more stuff--maybe then I'd buy less!

    I would have had a hard time saying no to that stool...:)

  3. I would have bought the foot stool in a heartbeat! But, I'm looking for one like that right now. That white headboard is soooooo pretty! Thanks for sharing your thrift stores with us, it's a great idea.

  4. You are tight about that headboard - I love that one and the padded one - very chic!

  5. I'd love to see other peoples' thrift stores too! Don't you wish your local thrift had a webcam or something set up, so you could rush over if say, a Cathrineholm piece got set out? Haha. I guess it would get snapped up pretty quick.

    On the footstool, it boggles my mind to think what the matching chair would have looked like... I would imagine a chair existed at some time!

    I think I am going to drop by sometime and measure the headboard. It looks a bit small though.

  6. I want that foot stool! And I would pay $10 for it :) Goes with my decor perfectly and reminds me of my grandparents...they had a similar stool when I was growing up.

  7. Yes! That headboard is lovely. But you know I'm partial to it already. I love that style :) It looks great as it is in white. You can never go wrong with a clean crisp white. And I applaud your restraint for not buying that cute footstool! $10?! I woulda snatched it up!

  8. I went back the other day, and guess what?

    1. Footstool has been purchased!
    2. Headboard is badly cracked... I didn't ask the price, but it's also a bit small. Two negatives!
