Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vintage Canon A-1 SLR Manual Camera

One of the first items we purchased off ebay was a vintage manual Canon film camera. Mr. SixBalloons is a bit of a camera buff, and he thought it would be nice to experiment with an old classic.

The Canon A-1 was introduced in the 70s, and was eventually sold between 1978 through 1985. It was a popular seller at the time, and remains a collectible vintage camera today. The A-1 originally sold for $635, which I would imagine was a princely sum at the time.

What I love best about this camera is that it produces photos with a slightly yellow hue... it reminds me of my childhood family photos taken in the 80s. Speaking of photography, we have set up a light studio at home and have been playing around with taking some shots in it. I took these white-background photos with the light studio setup.

We purchased this camera for about $40. The Canon A-1's were very durable and popular, and as a result there are still many of them functioning today. These cameras contained no plastic gears and were built to last.

We were also able to pick up some vintage lenses recently at a Salvation Army 50% off sale, so that will give us an opportunity to experiment further with this camera and our new DIY light studio!


  1. I'm so excited to see this post! I've been wanting to pick up an slr, but all the choices (and price) have put me off. I knew I wouldn't pay retail, and that it would be either thrifted or off ebay. So thanks for the price gauge- that is a wonderful deal! And I love the shots in your light studio- they came out great Happy playing! :)

  2. Very nice, Six Balloons! I didn't know that Mr. Six Balloons is a camera buff. Now I do! Cool camera.
