Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Russian Nutcracker Doll

It's possible that I have my Christmas thinking cap on, but when I spotted this cute wooden nodder at the thrift store, I thought he looked like a nutcracker!

I think the mustache is one of my favourite parts, but his nose, pose, and blue cap also make me smile. On the bottom of the piece, there is a handwritten sticker that reads "Made in USSR". Since the USSR was named so between 1922-1991, the range makes it difficult to date this piece. I guess I can say that it's at least 20 years old.

This piece is really well done, and is handmade and handpainted. The spring attached from his body to his askew head gives him a real casual demeanor. Haha! Definitely worth the 75 cents I spent.


  1. So cute! Definitely worth 75 cents! Cool that there's such a historical component to your collecting.
