Monday, December 27, 2010

Leftover Turkey Salad Sandwiches

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! The turkey was delicious as usual, but there's always leftover turkey to deal with. When I was a kid, we loved Mom's turkey salad sandwiches - even after eating them for a full week's worth of lunches. I made use of my kitchen's vintage goodies to whip up a batch this afternoon.

I pulled out the large Corningware pot and my vintage Copco 109E cast iron enamelled skillet (I love the red colour and should probably share more pics of this beauty in the future). I've tried tearing the turkey meat using a couple of forks in the past, but with a large amount, you can't beat the dexterity of using your own bare hands.

After adding olive oil and salt to the skillet, I threw in three stalks of green onions, chopped, into the pan. Once they are wilted and coated with olive oil and salt, they are ready to be added to the big batch of shredded turkey meat along with a couple tablespoons of Miracle Whip.

Some liberal mixing ensues, and Voila! That was our delicious lunch today! It seems that we have enough for the rest of the week too. Some things never change.  =)

1 comment:

  1. Delicious. I haven't made this in ages, but seeing this in full color makes me want to make it. At least chicken salad sandwiches!
