Monday, October 4, 2010

It's All Greek to Me!

Hello Readers, I'm back refreshed from a great trip to Greece! I've missed home, and of course, blogging and visiting everyone's websites. We have lots to catch up on.

There are certainly beautiful sights in Greece - from the clear blue waters to the bustling markets, my trip was like a feast for the eyes. There were also vintage treats in old kitchens, with colourful pieces like Tupperware and Pyrex!

These shots of the Aegean are taken on the island of Santorini, formed by volcanic activity. It is amazing to see the villas, hotels, restaurants, and pathways carved into the cliffsides.

The beautiful streets were lined with vibrant flowers, and the markets bustled with fresh fish and produce.

There were modern features to be seen at the HeliExpo in Thessaloniki, like this solar tree:

And not so modern features at the White Tower!

Most of our time was spent on the island of Lesvos where we stayed at a heritage house with a vintage kitchen full of beautiful pieces and lovely textiles. More on those in an upcoming post!

Goodnight for now!


  1. Your photos are lovely! More on the vintage Pyrex and Tupperware please!

  2. Thanks Alyssa, I can't wait to post more - I've got so many photos!

  3. Wow, SixBalloons, these pics are amazing! Greece is beautiful. Stunning. Glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing the sights. I look forward to seeing much more.
