Monday, January 25, 2010


I grew up tagging along with my dad to yard sales... funny I was the only one who joined in his excitement when he saw a local "Garage Sale!" sign. I always thought the first sign of the year signalled the beginning of summer!

Recently my interest in vintage stuff was rekindled when preparing for my wedding. I had a great pair of blue satin shoes but I thought they needed a little pizazz. Luckily I stumbled on a pair of vintage enamel Sarah Coventry Tahitian Flower clip earrings in the peach colour. Perfect to double as shoe clips on the big day!


  1. Cool, didn't know they were earrings - very pretty and they do give a vintage look to the shoes.

  2. Thanks for your comments. I'm really happy to discover your blog. It looks like we have a lot in common. I'll be back for many visits.
    I'll link Six Balloons on Yard Sale Snoop.
    Have a great long weekend.
    I'm off thrifting today.

  3. Very nice! I love the small detail it added. Thanks for stopping by Cap Creations and leaving a comment.
