Monday, September 19, 2011

Skillet Cookie Baked in Antique Wagner Cast Iron!

This summer, I purchased an old Wagner Ware cast iron pan at a Japanese Community Centre rummage sale for two bucks! It was dirty and grimy and the seller looked almost embarrassed to be selling it. I happily bagged it up to avoid getting greased up, and carried on.

The underside of the pan reads Wagner Ware Sidney -O- which signified its factory which was located in Sidney, Ohio. Mr. SixBalloons used a lot of elbow grease this summer to clean up this cast iron pan, and we seasoned it to a beautiful shine. I decided to bake a big skillet cookie this weekend using a Martha Stewart recipe.

It was definitely fun to make a huge cookie and cut it into wedges. I left it in the oven a bit longer than I should have, as the edges continued to brown in the hot and toasty cast iron pan. It was tasty and fun though, and I can't wait to try out more recipes in my new pan!

Just a note, we had a lot of fun this summer restoring our vintage cast iron pieces, including the valuable Griswold pan I found a while back. Perhaps I will blog a tutorial sometime indicating how we were able to get these in cook-ready shape!

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Pink Pyrex Loaf Pan

I found a great deal on a piece of Flamingo Pink Pyrex at my local weekly church thrift sale. I know that pink and red clash but I did use my new little loaf pan to harvest some tomatoes so...

What a bounty! I was pretty satisfied, since this is definitely the most ripe tomatoes that I've ever grown.

Back to the loaf pan - the rectangular fridgie is one of the sizes I use the most frequently, but realistically it is a bit small for baking banana bread. This size and shape seems ideal to me.

Even better? I only paid $1.50 for this piece!

Linking up to ATG's Thrift Share Monday!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Vintage Le Creuset Bean Pot!

On one of my road trips to the Okanagan this summer, I made a great find at a local thrift store. We checked into the hotel and I threw open the drapes to look out the window. Believe it or not there was a huge sign painted on the side of a neighbouring building that read: "Thrift Store - Next Right"!

Of course I skipped over there shortly after putting down the luggage, and reached the store about ten minutes before closing. This was one of those sad little thrift stores, with intimidating-looking people hanging around outside, and awful furniture everywhere inside. I had low expectations, until I caught a glimpse of that flame coloured cast iron I love so much.

I went closer and saw that it was a well-loved bean pot. At first I couldn't believe I'd find a classic Le Creuset piece in a random thrift store. I thought to myself, "This must be a Descoware!" and "It's probably unmarked!".

Then I turned the lid over and ...

... saw a sight for sore eyes! A hard to find bean pot, marked Le Creuset, and priced at $5! Le Creuset currently offers a stoneware version, but I believe it's quite rare to find the vintage cast iron versions. I have seen these sell on ebay for between $100-$200. Yeowch!

The lid does have a couple chips on it and there is crazing on the interior enamel, but this is just such a beautiful little pot. The colour gradient is just beautiful.

It just goes to show you - you really never do know what you'll find in a small town thrift store! This little treasure was located on the lower shelf in the last corner of the store that I looked.  =)

I am linking up to Sophie's Her Library Adventures!