Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Pyrex Divided Dish

Another divided dish has fallen into my lap! I had never seen or known about the Acorn Gold pattern but the glint of the leaf pattern caught my eye.

This divided dish is not in perfect condition but at six bucks and with a lid, I figured it was a worthwhile purchase.

We went to a BBQ earlier in the month where we had been assigned a dessert. Since Strawberries were in season, I went to a local farm and picked a bunch. Then I took my bounty and dipped them in chocolate! It was great to be able to use my Pyrex while I was at work in the kitchen, then transport them to the party in a beautiful dish for display. They were gone so fast I didn't have a chance to take any "after" photos. :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finally... Pyrex Butterprint!

Ahh, we are in the thick of summer, and the lure of being outside and in the garden has kept me away from thrift shops and the computer. I guess that's alright, because I'll definitely be missing this weather in a couple months' time.

I did get a chance to make a quick stop at Value Village one day, and it was surprisingly quiet. I guess I'm not the only one with other summer plans. Two Pyrex patterns that I am constantly pining for are Gooseberry and Butterprint. I had never really seen them "in the wild" other than at overpriced antique stores.

There it was sitting on the shelf, with its beautiful colour and cute couple harvesting their bounty. Can you believe I almost missed it? I suppose that's why I re-scan the aisles when I thrift...