Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kitchen Colours

One of the best things about having vintage pieces in my kitchen is that it really brightens things up. This is not to say new things can't provide a splash of colour too! One of the staple meals we've been cooking over the winter has been a big pot of chili in our shiny, new, Cobalt Blue Le Creuset dutch oven. I love how easy it is to clean, and I'm glad we are making use of this piece.

I typically make a habit of checking out the housewares section whenever I am shopping at a second-hand store. This paid off yesterday when I spotted a vintage Le Creuset #16 Flame-coloured saucepot!

I opened up the lid expecting it to be horribly discoloured on the inside but surprisingly, the enamel was in quite good shape. When I stumble upon gems like this, I simply can't believe that people throw out perfectly good items. I guess by donating it, they aren't really throwing it out I suppose. Good thing there are thrifters around to give these goodies a second chance. I paid $10 for the pot, and am already thinking of recipes I can prepare in this little guy.

My lucky streak continued when I found a Pyrex Delphite Blue casserole dish the next aisle over. I really debated whether to purchase this item because it was missing its beautiful lid and I couldn't really think of a practical use for it. I picked it up anyway, because it was priced alright at $5. Perhaps it will look good brimming with colourful oranges...

The last item of the day was a vintage avocado green fondue pot. The wood grain on the beautiful handle, and of course the great colour, reeled me in! I combed the shelves for almost an hour, searching in vain for the matching lid. It was a bit depressing when I concluded that no lid would be found. I'm sure it would have had a great matching wood knob handle on it. Again, for $5, I knew I would find a use for it in the kitchen, so I happily scooped it up. The interior of the pot is surprisingly perfect, and I think the shape will lend itself well to little tasks like boiling eggs and heating up soups.

A bountiful day at the thrift store!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 Vancouver Olympics

I have to interrupt our usual comments on vintage stuff to make a note about the 2010 Olympics which begin tomorrow in our fair city, Vancouver! I can't believe how many times I am hearing my hometown name mentioned on NBC, the Simpsons, etc.!

Everyone's hero, Mr. Trevor Linden, retired Vancouver Canucks player was a torchbearer today and I was lucky enough to be there to witness it.

Go Canada Go!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vintage Cake Server

While finishing up a grocery run the other day, I couldn't resist popping my head into the local thrift store. I had seen a silver-plated vintage cake server/knife previously but chose to leave it.

I thought it would make a beautiful accessory to someone's wedding cake table. A simple tiffany-blue ribbon tied at the handle would have been picture perfect! As you can tell, even though I walked away from it a couple of weeks ago, I had been thinking of it.

I was surprised to see it was still in the display case, neglected and partially obscured under a pile of old hockey cards. I scooped it up for $8 and admired it for a few days. I finally decided that it wasn't very practical for me and ended up selling it to a couple getting married in June. The bride-to-be tells me that they are going to have a cake at each table as a centrepiece, and now she needs to find a bunch of cake stands and accessories... Sounds like fun to me!